Sunday, June 8, 2014

Haworth, Hadrian's Wall, and Fountain's Abbey

On our way back from Scotland, we stayed at a hostel in a town called Haworth. We got there when it was starting to get dark outside and it was probably one of the creepiest towns ever. The hostel looked like a haunted house. Since the hostel didn't have wifi, about twelve of us went on a journey to go find a place that had some. We started walking and there was literally no one outside. We passed a house who's yard was completely covered in gnomes. As we walked a little further, we passed an old building and in the window was a lady staring at us while holding a doll, which was also looking at us! It was the perfect setting for a scary movie plot: A group of college kids walking around a quiet town that is haunted, full of houses with gnomes everywhere, and old ladies staring through the window while holding creepy-looking dolls. Luckily, we all survived. Finally, thirty minutes later, we found a cafe place that had wifi.

On our way back, we passed a funny road that was called "Butt Lane."I had to take a picture.

This is a picture of our hostel I took from inside the bus as we were leaving for the Bronte Pasonage up the street. You can't tell me that you wouldn't be a little scared to stay in this place haha.

After leaving the hostel, we went to the Bronte sister's parsonage who wrote Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. It is such a depressing and creepy place to live. No wonder they wrote such dark books.

This is a picture of there house and the Moors

The next day, we went to Hadrian's Wall. Hadrian's Wall was a defensive fortification in Roman Britain, begun in 122 AD. It used to be 75 miles long.

Here are some pictures of it. 
Me, Kate, and Ashley sitting on the wall.
 These pictures just don't capture how beautiful this place really is. During the bus drive, most people slept but I just couldn't do it because the view was so beautiful I didn't want to miss anything.

 There were sheep everywhere. It was awesome!

 This is where the hospital was.

 It started pouring rain after this picture was taken. We were soaked. You just can't stay dry when it is windy and rainy.

After Hadrian's wall, we went to a place called Fountains Abbey. It was a Monastery built in 1132. It functioned for 400 years until Henry VIII shut it down. This is what remains of it.

 These are some of the gardens surrounding it. Fountains Abbey covers about 7 acres of land.

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