Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hampton Court Palace

On Friday, we went to Hampton Court Palace which used to be King Henry VIII's. It was so big and pretty! Here are some pictures. 
This is the entrance
Henry's family tree. I just thought it looked cool and artsy fartsy
This was one of the rooms
These decorations on the walls are made out of weapons such as guns, swords, knives, etc. it was pretty cool
The ceiling. I have no idea how they painted this 
King Henry's bedroom
This was an anatomy book of the muscles in 1681 with muscles not yet identified. I thought you would like this Reece 
Looking out at the gardens. It was funny because after I took this picture, we noticed they had actors walking around from this time period and one guys was the kings servant and told us when we go in the next room and meet the king (which was another actor), we have to bow to him. So we did an it felt super funny. They were surprisingly good actors though. They all spoke about five different languages so they could talk to all the tourists walking through. 
Here's a picture of the "king" eating at his dining room table, which was full of fake food haha. 
Another bedroom
It was incredibly windy so water from the fountain was blowing at me during this picture haha
More gardens
I was hoping it was going to be the largest red vine candy haha
The front of the palace
Blurry picture of harrods. It's the best picture I could get when surrounded by thousands of people

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