You can't really tell but those guys have roller blades on and ski poles. I thought it was kind of funny because there are no mountains here so I guess this is the only way they can ski haha.
after class, each FHE group decided their activity for the day would be to go to lunch somewhere. We went I a place called Paul. It was like a French sandwich and pastry place. I usually don't like sandwiches but if you put it in a mini French baguette like Paul's, I could eat sandwiches everyday. I also tried this breadstick thing that had chocolate chips inside. It was amazing!
I didn't take a picture of the food so I just found one off the internet haha.
And this is the French breadstick thing.
After that, a few of us went grocery shopping at this big store called Tesco. It took us a while to find since the tube was on strike and we had to use the bus system which is confusing. But I got a lot of good food there.
I bought some crumpets just to see if they are good or not.
I'm also amazed at how tired some of the girls get here. After doing one thing a day like the grocery store, they want to go home and take a nap or study when it's only four o clock! It's drives me nuts. We are in London people! We can sleep on the plane ride home. Anyway, I just had to vent.
This wasn't a very exciting blog post but Wednesday through Friday we are going to some cool places so hopefully I will have better pictures haha.
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